Night of the Living Dead
(USA 1968, 97 min)
De døde har våknet og sulter etter de levendes kjøtt. Panikken brer seg over hele verden. En liten gruppe mennesker søker tilflukt i et forlatt hus, for å kjempe for sine liv. Mens hæren av de levende døde vokser, oppdager gruppen, at den største trusselen mot deres overlevelse allerede er blant dem...(Cover)
DVD 3576 inneholder både farge- og sort/hvitt versjon av filmen.
(USA 1944, 70 min)
Edgar G. Ulmer • John Carradine, Jean Parker, Nils Asther,Ludwig Stössel, George Pembroke, Teala Loring, Sonia Sorel, Henry Kolker, Emmett Lynn, Iris Adrian, Patti McCarty, Carrie Devan, Anne Sterling
Corpse vanishes, The
(USA 1942, 64 min)
Wallace Fox • Bela Lugosi, Luana Walters, Tristram Coffin, Elizabeth Russell, Minerva Urecal, Angelo Rossitto, Joan Barclay, Kenneth Harlan, Gwen Kenyon, Vince Barnett, Frank Moran, George Eldredge
Dr. Lorenz, a mad scientist, wants to keep his elderly wife young. He does this by kidnapping young females and extracting fluid from them. He then injects this fluid into his wife. What a diabolical guy! Written by Josh Pasnak {}
After the death of many brides in their weddings and disappearance of their corpses, the snoopy journalist Patricia Hunter notes that all of them were wearing an orchid in their breasts. She finds that the hybridization of the orchid was made by Dr. Lorenz, and she decides to interview him about the flowers. She hitchhikes on the road with Dr. Foster and they are hosted by Dr. Lorenz in his isolated house. Dr. Lorenz is indeed a mad scientist that sleeps with his wife in coffins, and with the assistance of a dwarf and his strong retarded brother, extract gland fluids from the neck of the abducted virgins to keep his elder wife young.
Doomed to die
(USA 1940, 68 min)
William Nigh • Boris Karloff, Marjorie Reynolds, Grant Withers, William Stelling, Catherine Craig, Guy Usher, Henry Brandon, Melvin Lang, Wilbur Mack,
An action-packed detective movie about the mysterious fiery destruction of a luxury liner carrying 400 passengers and a contraband cargo of Chinese bonds. Boris Karloff plays the good guy for a change, a Chinese detective named James Lee Wong.