Kingdom Of Heaven
(USA 2005, 186 min)
Ridley Scott • Orlando Bloom, Jeremy Irons, Liam Neeson, David Thewlis, Eva Green, Brendan Gleeson, Edward Norton
Director´s Cut utgaven med fire discer.
Fra Ridley Scott, regissøren bak Gladiator og den moderne episke films mester, kommer denne fantastiske sagaen om mot, lidenskap og eventyr. Midt i det middelalderske Jerusalems pomp og prakt og intriger finner vi Balian, spilt av Orlando Bloom, en ung franskmann som har mistet alt, men finner ære og frelse på en farlig ferd. Med elendige odds kjemper Balian mot en overlegen fiende for å redde folket sitt og leve opp til sin skjebne som en ekte ridder. (Cover)
-Disc 1 & 2
- Audio Commentary By Director Ridley Scott, Writer William Monahan And Actor Orlando Bloom.
- Audio Commentary By Executive Producer Lisa Ellzey, Audio Commentary By Executive Producer Lisa Ellzey, Director Adam Somner.
- Audio Commentary By Film Editor Dody Dorn.
- Introduction By Sir Ridley Scott
- Disc 3
- The Path To Redemption Documentary – Part 1:
- Development - Part 1: Good Intentions - Still Galleries
- Pre-Production - Part 2: Faith And Courage - Cast Rehearsals, Colors Of The Crusade, Production Design Primer, Still Galleries
- Production - Spain - Part 3: The Pigrimage Begins - Creative Accuracy: The Scholars Speak, 3 Storyboards, Photo Galleries
- Disc 4
- The Path To Redemption Documentary – Part 2:
- Production - Morocco - Part 4: Into The Promised Land - Unholy War: Mounting The Siege, 3 Storyboards, Photo Galleries
- Post-Production - Part 5: The Burning Bush - 15 Deleted And Alternate Scenes With Optional Commentary Audio
- Release - Part 6: Sins And Absolution - 50 Trailers & TV Spots With Optional Commentary Audio, Press Junket Walkthrough, World Premieres: London, New York & Tokyo
- By Director Ridley Scott - Sound Design Suite, Visual Effects Breakdowns