Chronological Donald, The - Vol. 1
(USA 1941, 290 min)
Donald Duck kronologisk - Vol. 1
Donald Duck ble første gang sett i The Wise Little Hen fra 1934. Den morsomme og noen ganger hissige anden ble fort publikums favoritt og i 1936 kom Donald and Pluto, den første kortfilmen hvor Donald var hovedrolleinnehaver. Suksessen var et faktum og fram til 1941 produserte Walt Disney hele 36 kortfilmer med Donald og vennene hans. (Cover)
Disc 1:
1934: The Wise Little Hen
1936: Donald and Pluto
1937: Don Donald, Modern Inventions, Donald's Ostrich
1938: Self Control, Donald's Better Self, Donald's Nephews, Polar Trappers, Good Scouts, The Fox Hunt, Donald's Golf Game
1939: Donald's Lucky Day, The Hockey Champ, Donald's Cousin Gus, Beach Picnic, Sea Scouts, Donald's Penguin, The Autograph Hound, Officer Duck
Publicity and Memorabilia Gallery, Story and Background Art Gallery, Easter Egg
Disc 2:
1940: The Riveter, Donald's Dog Laundry, Billposters, Mr. Duck Steps Out, Put-Put Troubles, Donald's Vacation, Window Cleaners, Fire Chief;
1941: Timber, Golden Eggs, A Good Time for a Dime, Early to Bed, Truant Officer Donald, Old MacDonald Duck, Donald's Camera, Chef Donald;
The Man Behind the Duck: Clarence 'Ducky' Nash", Easter Eggs